华域联盟 网络安防 Getting Started with Chrome Ext Security (Extra)-Zoomeye Tools

Getting Started with Chrome Ext Security (Extra)-Zoomeye Tools

Author: LoRexxar'@Knownsec 404 Team
Chinese Version: https://paper.seebug.org/1115/

Our last two researches are about Chrome Ext security. This time we will put Chrome extension security aside and introduce an extra part of Chrome Ext - Zoomeye Tools.

Starting from developing a plugin, this paper allows us to look at the problems between different levels of chrome in a different perspective.

Our main purpose is to complete a Zoomeye auxiliary plugin.

Core and Function Design

In zoomeye Tools, we mainly added auxiliary functions for zoomeye. Before designing, we must know what kind of functions we need.

Here we need to implement two major functions,

1.First, we need to complete a simple version of zoomeye interface, which is used to display the search results of the corresponding IP of the current domain.

2.We will complete some auxiliary functions of zoomeye, such as copying the left and right ip of search results with one click, etc ...

Here we study the parts needed for these two functions separately:

zoomeye minitools

Regarding some auxiliary functions of Zoomeye, here we first take a requirement as an example. We need a function that can copy all the IPs in the Zoomeye page, so we can write scripts or just use this information.

Before we start, we must clarify the permission system and communication methods between different levels in the chrome plugin:

I focused on this part in the first article.

This function we need to complete can be simply quantified as the following process:

User clicks on browser plug-in function
Browser plugin reads content of current Zoomeye page
Parse the content and extract the content and write it to the clipboard according to the format

Of course, this is human thinking. Combined with the permission system and communication method of the chrome plugin, we need to disassemble each part into a corresponding solution.

  • The ability of users to click on browser plugins

When the user clicks the icon of the browser plug-in, the functions in popup.html will be displayed and the corresponding js code added in the page will be executed.

  • Browser plugin reads content of current Zoomeye page

Since the popup script does not have permission to read the page content, we must communicate the content script through chrome.tabs.sendMessage, and read the page content through the content script.

  • Parse and extract the content and write it to the clipboard according to the format

After the content script reads the page content, it needs to send data back via sendResponse.

After the popup receives the data, we need to write the data to the clipboard through special techniques

 function copytext(text){
    var w = document.createElement('textarea');
    w.value = text;


    w.style.display = 'none';

Here we creat a new textarea tag and select its content, then copy it.

The overall process is as follows

Zoomeye Preview

Different from the functions of minitools, the first problem we encounter is the authentication system of zoomeye itself.

In the design of Zoomeye, most of the search results need to be used after logging in, and the corresponding multiple request APIs are verified by jwt.

This jwt token will be stored in the browser's local storage during the login period.

We can simply draw the architecture like this

Before we continue to design the logic of the code, we must first determine the logic flow. We still quantify the flow into the following steps:

The user clicks on the Zoomeye tools plugin
After checking the data, the plug-in confirms that it is not logged in and tells the user.
The user clicks the button to jump to the login page
The plugin obtains the credentials and stores it
The user clicks the plugin after opening the website
The plugin obtains zoomeye data through credentials and requested host
Feed some data into the page

Then we cooperated with the logic of the chrome plug-in system to convert the previous steps into the program logic flow.

  • User clicks on Zoomeye tools plugin

The plugin will load the popup.html page and execute the corresponding js code.

  • After checking the data, the plug-in confirms that it is not logged in and tells the user.

The plugin will obtain the zoomeye token stored in chrome.storage, and then requestzoomeye.org / user to determine whether the login credentials are valid. If it doesn't work, it will show need login in popup.html. And hide other div windows.

  • The user clicks the button to jump to the login page

When the user clicks the button, the browser will open https: //sso.telnet404.com/cas/login? service = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.zoomeye.org% 2Flogin

If the user is currently logged in, this page will be directed to zoomeye and the corresponding data will be written to localStorage.

  • Saved after the plugin obtains credentials

Due to the separation of front-end and back-end operations, all bg scripts need an obvious sign to prompt the need to obtain the login credentials of the browser front-end. I set this as When the tab changes, the domain belongs to zoomeye.org and is not logged in At this time, the bg script will use chrome.tabs.executeScript to enable the front end to obtain localStorage and store it in chrome.storage.

In this way, the plugin gets the most critical jwt token

  • The user clicks the plugin after opening the website

After completing the login problem, the user can use the proview function normally.

After the user opens the website, in order to reduce the waiting time for data loading, the bg script will start to get the data directly.

  • The plugin obtains zoomeye data through credentials and requested host

The back-end bg script inspires the data acquisition event by judging the tab state change, and the plug-in requests it through the account credentials obtained earlier.

https: //www.zoomeye.org/searchDetail? type = host & title = And parse the json to get the corresponding IP data.

  • Feed some data into the page

When the user clicks on the plugin, the popup script checks whether the URL of the current tab is consistent with the data in the back-end global variables, and then passes

bg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage ();

To get the global variables of bg. The data is then written to the page.

The structure of the entire process is as follows:

Complete The Plugin

After completing the architecture design, as long as we follow the various permission systems between different levels of the plugin, we can complete the basic design. With our functions, the manifest.json we generated is as follows

    "name": "Zoomeye Tools",
    "version": "0.1.0",
    "manifest_version": 2,
    "description": "Zoomeye Tools provides a variety of functions to assist the use of Zoomeye, including a proview host and many other functions",
    "icons": {
        "16": "img/16_16.png",
        "48": "img/48_48.png",
        "128": "img/128_128.png"
    "background": {
        "scripts": ["/js/jquery-3.4.1.js", "js/background.js"]
    "content_scripts": [
            "matches": ["*://*.zoomeye.org/*"],
            "js": ["js/contentScript.js"],
            "run_at": "document_end"
    "content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'self';",
    "browser_action": {
        "default_icon": {
            "19": "img/19_19.png",
            "38": "img/38_38.png"
        "default_title": "Zoomeye Tools",
        "default_popup": "html/popup.html"
    "permissions": [

Upload Plugin to Chrome Store

Chrome no longer allows self-signed plugins. If you want to install this on chrome, you must spend $5 to register as a chrome plugin developer.

Chrome has its own security system. If you have plugins that work under multiple domain names, you have to add additional review before reviewing plugins. If you want to submit your plugin quickly, then you must follow the rules of chrome.

You can do this in Chrome's Developer Information Center.

Instructions of Zoomeye Tools


All Chrome browsers can be downloaded directly

After completing installation


Because Zoomeye Tools provides two functions, one is Zoomeye auxiliary tool, and the other is Zoomeye preview.

Zoomeye Auxiliary Tools

First of all, the first function is to cooperate with Zoomeye, which will only take effect in the Zoomeye domain. This function does not require login to Zoomeye.

Open Zoomeye and search for any banner, wait for the page to load, and then click the plugin icon in the upper right corner to see the two additional options.

If we choose copy all ip with LF, then the clipboard is

If we choose copy all url with port


Zoomeye Preview

The second function is a simplified version of Zoomeye. This function requires login to Zoomeye.

In any domain, we click Login Zoomeye in the upper right corner. If you have previously logged in to Zoomeye, you will be automatically logged in directly. If not, you need to log in from the telnet404 page.

After accessing the webpage, click the plug-in icon in the upper right corner, we can see the relevant IP information and open ports


Finally, we can publish it on Chrome Developer Center as long as we get approval.

The final chrome plugin download link:

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